In the early fall of 2009, I scaled-back the physical work I had been doing on the river following surgery to repair some torn muscles. At that time, I started placing more of my conservation focus on writing and photography, creating a new site at My logic was simple: Conservation begins with appreciation. So I use "Footprints" as a place to share wildlife and landscape photography.
Another blog serves as a gallery for photos unrelated to conservation: We decided on that name because in addition to street-candid, travel and other photography, I'm going to use this site to document worthwhile human service projects… the kind of efforts that are having a positive impact, but might not get the attention as they deserve. I hope to document two or three people or projects a year at this site, so if you hear of someone doing something really important, please get in touch with me.
This URL is available. If your non-profit group or company has an interest in owning the “CleanUpTheRiver” URL, again, please feel free to drop me an email. I’m going to hold on to it until I find an organization that will do something smart and meaningful with it.
Until then, this site stays up as an archive to our river restoration adventures... and as proof that "Anyone, on any given day, has the power to improve a place."